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"How we communicate with our child is what their internal language becomes."
- Natavia Maria


Holistic Parenting
"The Art of Conscious Parenting"

Are you seeking a deeper connection with your child?
Does your child trigger and anger easily?
Does your child have any unexplainable health issues?
Is your child feeling lost and unsure of themselves?

Are you ready to become the parent you never had?

If you can resonate with the above statements,
I invite you to the world of holistic parenting




The Authentic Living School offers mentoring services for children and teens who need someone to listen to and help them through these transitional years. As parents embark on this holistic journey, it can be helpful to have someone available to support your children as you experience internal changes.

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Do you have a specific area in your life you would like a tailor-made meditation, chanelled just for you? Natavia is offering personalised transmissions for you to order.

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"To be a guardian, in service to a child, is the greatest blessing and responsibility one can receive.
Every challenge you encounter has a gift waiting on the other side, waiting to be uncovered."

- Natavia


What is Holistic Parenting?

Parenting from the inside out, facing the mirror that your child reflects back to you...

Holistic parenting is a form of conscious parenting where we understand the importance of nurturing your child from the inside out, not the other way around. This looks like prioritising providing for them on an emotional basis that feeds their heart space first, not their superficial needs. 

Parenting holistically means we understand that our thoughts, decisions, and actions are all interconnected and that our children reflect us. Each one of their outbursts, health issues and traumas is a call for connection and showing us what we need to heal within ourselves. 

As we learn how to be guided by our child, we allow them to unfold organically into their uniqueness, like a flower. As holistic parents, we understand that our role is to gift our children the nourishment they need to thrive in the complex world we live in today. Our children need connection, love, nature, presence, time and play. To meet these needs, we must embody these qualities within ourselves and it often requires us to do our inner work.

On the journey of holistic parenting, we encourage our children and ourselves to trust and follow our intuition. Free of pressure, competition, expectation, and outside influence. Only you know your child, and it is truly liberating as we drop societal expectations of what is normal.

As parents adopting this modern method, we will need to stay open on our guardianship journey and face the mirror that our child reflects back to us. We must be prepared to address our triggers and unhealed wounds so our children aren’t products of our past.

What Will You Learn?

Holistic parenting empowers and strengthens families through whole-encompassing, easy-to-apply solutions and tools that work long-term. It will help deepen your bond and strengthen your relationship as you find new understanding and compassion for one another. 

1. How to meet your child's needs

You will learn how to identify, listen to and meet the needs of your child. They are always communicating their needs to you, it is just about learning how to understand what their actions are saying. 

2. How to start living from the heart-space (i.e. non-ego based)

The key to our soul's truth in this world is through the heart space, not the mind. Children are more naturally connected to this than adults because they have less experience blocking their connection. Adults, on the other hand, have a bit more programming to overcome to truly learn how to distinguish between the heart and the mind. This is essential for living consciously and parenting consciously.

3. How your trauma is impacting your parenting

We delve deep into your trauma, patterning and wounds so that you can learn to heal them with self-love and acceptance. You will be able to shift out of old patterning to create a more harmonious home founded on soul connection.

4. The effect your child's environment has on their behaviour

Understanding the elements of your child's environment and how it is impacting their energy fields is essential to creating a more peaceful home.

And so much more!!


Who is This For?

Calling all parents and parents-to-be!

Holistic Parenting IS for you if you are:

Seeking a deeper connection with your child;

Wanting to form lifelong bonds with your child;

Committed to showing up as the best parent you can be;

Prepared to make some changes to your home and lifestyle;

Unsure why your child has behavioural, health or self-esteem issues;

Wanting to expand/redefine your parenting toolbox.

Holistic Parenting is NOT for you if you:

Do not believe that you can have a beautiful relationship with your child;

Do not want to make changes within your home; 

Are scared to do your "inner work";

Are not willing to face the mirror that your child is reflecting back to you;

Are the perfect parent with the perfect child.

The Modules

What is Holistic Parenting?

In this module, I introduce you to the world of Holistic Parenting. You will get an overview of what this teaching looks like in practice, as you reflect on your current parenting dynamic.


Understanding Your Vessel

In this module, you will learn all about the role your mind, emotions, and heart have in shaping your and your child's reality. 

Understanding Frequency

Understanding your frequency is the key to mastering your reality. In this module, we will take a deep dive into the fundamentals of mastering your vibration and what practices you can implement in your life to achieve this.


Embodying Connected Parenting

Now that you understand Holistic Parenting and the importance of your frequency, in this module, you will learn how to embody this in your day-to-day and family household. This is the art of connected parenting, and it all starts with the connection with the self.

The Four Pillars

In this module, I teach you all about your four pillars - the mind, body, soul and emotions. You will come away with a deep understanding of the importance of nurturing these pillars equally and the role they play in your life.


Releasing Trauma

In this module, we take a deep look at your trauma patterning and how this is influencing your child. Together, we work to heal these traumas through purification, forgiveness and releasing techniques.


Cleaning Your Environment

The final module looks at your home environment and what changes need to be made to facilitate a space of healing, in line with your holistic parenting journey.

Your Tools

Along with the knowledge you will learn, I give you many tools to help you implement and understand these new teachings.


DNA Codes

I gift you with the ancient wisdom of your soul for you and your family. We are each born with different skills and challenges, and understanding these codes can help you understand your mission and purpose on this planet.



You will receive a workbook with all of the information I teach you. It will be your guide you can keep referring to after our lessons together. It includes review questions and many practices to implement.

Holding Hands

Trauma Healing

We work deeply through your trauma and wounding patterns, which will have profound impacts on every aspect of your life and family dynamics. All healing you do for yourself you simultaneously do for your child.


The Hopkins Family

"Natavia has been supporting and guiding my family for the past 18 months. We have a very spirited 8-year-old daughter, and we needed help understanding and parenting her. We were feeling stressed and frazzled and at a loss as to how to support ourselves and our 3 children best, as this also affected our other two daughters. Natavia helped us understand the bigger picture of what was going on and also created a shift in our mindset. We began our inner work and discovered the blessings in our situation.  We were able to move forward in a more positive light with the various support and tools Natavia guided us with.


Our daughter has blossomed and our relationship with her feels less strained and more harmonious and fun. The daily meltdowns are minimal now (like once a month compared to a couple of times a day), and when she does have big emotions, she is able to access her tools to regulate herself. We can now see that when things get ‘wobbly’ in our home, that is usually a reflection of us, the parents, and where we need to come back into balance for the rest of the family to flow. We are able to catch ourselves and situations before they spiral. We understand each child more, their needs and how to best to support them.

As parents we now feel more empowered to have tools to guide our children in a more wholesome and holistic way that nurtures their individual soul and their journey.


We understood the shifts we needed to make, as parents and as individuals, to bring ourselves and family into more balance and we committed to this path. We’re so glad we took this journey. Yes there are still challenges, we’re human. But the difference now is that we have the tools and awareness to best support our family so everyone feels cared for and nurtured in ways that they need.


As a family we are now cultivating peace and harmony in our home. We live from more of a heart centred space and feel more connected to nature and each other.


We are so happy to have Natavia in our life. Natavia has a big heart and is a radiant light and continues to inspire and guide our family. Our children resonate with her genuine caring nature and have found it easy to connect with her for their coaching and energy sessions. They feel safe and held.


If you want to discover more ‘you’, your true essence, then reach out to Natavia, she’s pure light and presence. She has the most gentle, authentic and loving way as a coach."

"The work I have done with you, Natavia, has allowed me to move into a completely different energy. I parent completely differently, and I have a newfound patience.

I am so grateful.

Thank you, I now have so much love to give.

 I appreciate you greatly!!"

Cyntha Smyth

"As I honour myself, I honour my children.
As I heal myself, I heal my children."

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the difference between a parenting mentor and a therapist?
    Whilst a therapist will typically address issues that are current, a holistic parenting mentor seeks to understand your family dynamic and your trauma to get a deep understanding of the root cause of consistent issues. This is based on the concept that our children are a mirror of us, and there are often deeper causes to problems they may have. A parenting mentor builds a relationship with the whole family and acts more as a guide than a talk-based therapist.
  • What are the most common reasons people see a holistic parenting mentor?
    People often come to me when they start to see patterns of fear, anxiety, anger, mental health, ADHD and shutting down in their children. These are all signs of a misalignment and disconnection within the family. Many parents also seek holistic parenting to form a deeper connection with their child or within the family. Alternatively, some parents may want guidance on how to parent consciously or to review their current methods.
  • Do you teach me how to parent my child?
    I share tools and practices that help you build a more connected relationship with your child whilst you are responsible for how you parent. Through connecting with your intuition and living consciously you will heal outdated patterning in your parenting.
  • My child is no longer a child, is it too late to make any meaningful changes?
    It is always possible to make a change for the better in your parenting. Your child is connected energetically, even through adulthood, so no matter how old your child is, when you start to do your inner work, you are healing yourself and your child through your lifelong connection.
  • Is it normal for my teenager to be moody and isolating?
    No - Your children don't need to disconnect through their teenage years. No matter the age, a child, in their essence, is pure love, and they crave deep connection. Anything outside of this illustrates a misalignment somewhere in the relationship. Natavia teaches parents how to form this deep bond wherever they are in their parenting journey.
  • How soon will I see results?
    This depends on the family and your family dynamic - it is very different for every family as each dynamic is unique. I have had clients who have seen immediate results (days) after a couple of changes. Other times, it can take longer, depending on the issue and how significant the changes that need to be made are. This all depends on how deep-rooted your patterning is.
  • What are the keys to being a good parent?
    The most important element of being a good parent is to look after yourself. If you are not prioritising your self-care, you will not be present for your children. Knowing your weaknesses, triggers, capacity, and when to ask for support is essential.
Teen Mentoring

Your Youth Mentor


Daphne has been working with Natavia since she embarked on the journey of committing to her inner work. She is a highly sensitive individual, with an innate understanding of spiritual matters, first becoming aware of energy and its impact on the body when she was twelve.

Daphne was lucky enough to have a Mum who sought alternative measures to therapy and sent her to a kinesiologist as a child, where she learnt all about the ways trauma stores in the body and impacts our day-to-day. 


"I am here to help guide teens to their truest expression of self, teaching them to live from the heart space. ​I know first-hand how confusing and troubling the teenage years can be. It is a time of finding who we are and our place in the world, but we can often feel misunderstood and alone in the process. As a mentor, I hope to create a space for teens to help them feel supported, worthy, and teach them how to transmute their pain to light."


Your Facilitator



With over 25 years of experience in self-development, Natavia is a 'Holistic Parenting Mentor' and 'Transformation Coach' trained in many holistic practices. She is a Samford Valley Steiner School Mum from Brisbane. Natavia was raised in a family of five children; each was parented in a different way. When it came to raising her own child, Natavia followed her inner guidance and took a different approach focused on parenting from the inside out.

After many parents asked what her secret was and how she created such a strong, connected, loving relationship with her daughter, Natavia created the 'Holistic Parenting' method. Natavia now has a team of mentors who share her vision for the program, and she teaches her workshop to groups or individuals across the globe.


Natavia teaches parents how to form this deep bond wherever they are in their parenting journey. She meets you exactly where you are, as there is always time to create change or try new ways of parenting.

DELIVERY: In person or online

METHOD: Workshops or one-on-one mentoring 



Families of up to 10

Expecting parents 

Parents of children 0-17yrs 



Seven training modules 


Personalised DNA codes 

Trauma healing tools


Personalised meditations

3, 6 or 12 months one-on-one mentorship

Family healing session packages

Home cleansing ritual 

PRICING: Contact Natavia to find your ideal package and the corresponding pricing.

The Course Summary
Upcoming Events

Please contact Natavia directly to secure your place for the workshops.


Get Started

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Please enquire with Natavia below about starting your Holistic Parenting journey.

Thank you for your application!

I'll be in touch soon.

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