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Below is a list of the services that I offer.

Please select what service you are interested in to navigate to that section:

Children's Services

Self Mastery Guide:

(Coaching, Healing, Mentorship, Sacred Living Rituals)

Transformation Retreats

Anchor 1
Children's Mindfulness

Mindfulness is about being present, confident and aware. Mindfulness gifts children the tools and skills they need to maintain a strong, happy, healthy mind and attitude in today's modern world. Children receive an awareness and understanding of their identity, feelings and mindset. They receive tools for compassionate living and greater inner peace.

Classes include simple meditations, fun activities and discussions relevant to feelings, and confidence.

Aimed at helping each child flourish naturally into their individuality and uniqueness.

So they can view life through the lens of growth, seeing all challenges as opportunities for finding solutions.


8 packs available.

Children's Healing

(available online or in person)


Children are extremely sensitive to their surroundings. In today's world, they have a lot going on and are exposed to so much that effects their energy field.

This then affects their thoughts, behaviours, attitude, and mental state. 

In these healing sessions, after clearing and aligning a child's energy field, I then go on to share supportive tools for parents and children to implement in their daily life.

With consistency, these practices help children to live in their essence - feeling safe, secure, supported, and the inner peace and happiness they deserve.

The tools I share with our little people will support them throughout their lives and they will be able to lean on them throughout adulthood too. 

I work 1:1 with children clearing EMF and unbalanced and distorted energy found to manifest in a compromised immune system. I also target negative thinking, behaviours, perception, and the way a child conducts themselves in daily life.


I love guiding youth back to this space so they can embrace all of the worlds through their heart and soul.

"Childhood is about having fun and living free of fear and worry."

"Natavia I just wanted to thank you for your mindfulness classes with my granddaughter Sheena. She was really struggling and your classes have been so good for her. You have made such a difference in Sheena’s life. I wanted to share something special that happened on the weekend. She was helping her little brother go to sleep, first by singing and then by chanting OM! She must have done 30 very long OM's beautifully. He fell asleep. It was lovely moment! What you are doing for children is so very important."

Jean Egburg

When I met Natavia, my daughter was having trouble settling into a new environment and school and was showing signs of intense anxiety with severe tummy pain.


After we discussed my challenges and concerns, I knew that Natavia’s services were just what we needed.


Her gentle, calm and reassuring approach was so welcome.  Through her healing she gave my daughter the tools and courage to face her anxiety and fears.  


After one session my daughter was no longer complaining of tummy pains and immediately showed signs of being back to her happy, beautiful self. 

I am writing this one year on.

I am so grateful.

Thank you Natavia.  You're amazing. 

Erin Mitchell

"Natavia has a beautiful warm presence. Both children and adults are drawn to her accepting and peaceful nature. My children have enjoyed all her creative mindfulness experiences and I have noticed a positive difference in their natures, where they have come to know who they are! Thank You Natavia"

Sarah Jane

1:1 Coaching

Natavia will hold sacred space and work closely with you looking at the most important areas of life to create ultimate fulfillment in the 3D.

Career, Purpose, Personal growth, Financial, Family, Friends, Community, Recreation, Relationships and Health/Wellbeing.

Also preparing, guiding and aligning those ready in to step into 4D and 5D.

Natavia supports you on your rewarding journey, clearing all that no longer serves you so you can live your soul's purpose and the heart can lead the way. In this space you can create your limitless, dream life, living as your best self.

Natavia walks with you every step of the way as you grow & develop on the magical journey of transformation and transcendence.


1:1 Sessions $250 X3 $699

Mindfulness & Breath-Work 

Natavia offers one on one or group sessions. Group sessions are very productive in the workplace, corporate organisations or in the school.

Powerful rewards participants receive are improved concentration, wiser decision making, enhanced creativity and ability to think outside the box, increased self esteem, less stress and anxiety,  instead feeling more peaceful.

Mindfulness helps us to be better leaders and team players having stronger and more meaningful personal and professional relationships, healthier immune systems, resilience, self awareness,  sharpened focus, improved memory, increased attention span, emotional maturity and feeling happier and more inner fulfillment.


Meditation is a life changer, it impacts our lives in so many wonderful ways.


1:1 Meditation session $111.

6 week Business Packages 

  @ $999 1 hour week ​

Holistic Healing

Everything and Everyone is Connected, Infinitive. We are energetic beings having a physical experience. We were all created with an internal healing system. Once we understand and learn this, I truly believe with determination, an open heart, faith, commitment to change and loyalty to given practices, health and wellbeing can be restored and sustained

Holistic healing is going within, scanning, understanding magnified areas and stripping these burdens so we can return to wholeness, shifting these out of our fields. 

Humans are powerful and can achieve anything when  determined, focused with aligning tools at our disposal

Natavia offers one on one intuitive.



Energy alignment sessions

1:1 $350 X3 $999


Environmental  Workshops

We all have a responsibility in today’s modern world to leave it in better condition than as we inherited it. By each one of us being accountable for our part in environmental sustainability we enjoy a reciprocal energetic healing effect in our lives as everything is connected. At work it includes incorporating environmental sustainability principles where as business and individuals we can have a positive impact by reducing waste, improving production efficiencies, managing purchasing choices, staffing decisions, operational streamlining and capital investment reviews. Training available in triple bottom line accounting where there is economic, social and environmental benefits to business which are all intrinsically linked to each other in a holistic fashion. Understanding the connection between nature and humanity is insightful for a workforce when genuinely practiced as part of a company program delivering improved staff retention and loyalty thereby reducing long term costs in a world where there is an ever increased opportunity for staff to easily make change.

2 day Packages $1999

  Space Clearings

All that happens in our space leaves behind an energetic imprint. Sadness, death, negative emotions, unbalanced behaviour/energies

disease, anger, fear and trauma. All these have an affect on us, quite often we aren't even aware of  it.

Natavia specialises in clearing the history of businesses, land and homes so the old energy is liberated and these energies cannot affect a human’s or animals energetic field.

There are many signs this is needed, heavy dull energy fills the space, children have nightmares, person may feel stuck (not progressing)  spaces may feel dark, cold, sad, scary and you may see spirits or shapes out of the corner of your eyes. 

You may hear noises or activity in the space even though there is no one their, you may suffer depression, health issues, things may always appear to not go smoothly, one may have negative mindset, relationship issues or just feel uneasy for no reason.

Spaces that quite often need clearing are schools, homes, churches, sheds and land that holds a history. After a clearing the area feels light and brighter and quite often issues in physical are gone immediately 


Cost is starting from $150 

Addiction Recovery

Natavia holds sacred space and works closely & compassionately with clients challenged by addiction, sharing  powerful tools that clients can actively use in daily life. Natavia finds many individuals transition into successful clean living. A very rewarding journey for client and coach,


Natavia loves celebrating every step forward with her clients as they create their new reality and supports them with unconditional love while being available on call throughout this process


1:1 $250 session X3 $699


Natavia calls upon her inner child to guide these classes making them interactive, creative and fun. Each class is unique, also modelled around conscious living in our modern world. 

Classes may include affirmations, awareness of our feelings and thoughts, being present, creating, balance, being more positive, stretching, nature walks, breath-work, dance, crafting, dream maps, singing & various other creative hands on activities.

Natavia guides various age groups.  Teenagers, 10 -13 year olds and  5-10 year old, also now offering school packages and 1:1 private sessions.

Children and teens find private sessions an opportunity to embrace life’s challenges with an attitude for finding healthy solutions.


Term Package $799

Corporate Workshops

Natavia works with groups 5-15. Natavia Tailors workshops to suit business needs.

All is modeled around conscious living packages

Can be delivered over 6 weeks or 2 days Intensive


Topics Include:


Power of Intention









“ To live consciously, we must be present in all we do."


Group Package 3,999

Mindfulness for
Mental Health

Natavia offers one on one Mindfulness sessions for those suffering with Mental Illness, those who feel stuck, are repeating self sabotage cycles or are finding it challenging to function in daily life .

She tailors these sessions to suit Individuals needs sharing tools that help clients to view life through a new lense, feeling clearer and more connected so one can shift out of old limiting beliefs or thought patterns.

Natavia also specialises in Soul Retrieval. 

These sessions are intuitively guided.


1:1 sessions $199 or X3 $550


Prison Programs

"Empowering Warriors from within"


2 day workshops

6 week Programs available

Subjects Include:














Package $2,999

Holistic Healing

(online or in-person)


I work with you aligning the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual self, treating the root causes instead of treating the symptoms.  

Releasing deep blockages, distorted energies and ancestral traumas stored in the body and subconscious.  If these are not released, they can cause mental illness, addictive behaviours, sickness, disease and many other health issues. 

When we do deep inner healing, transformation and ascension work, we let go of the old and all that hold us back in life, making space so we can invite in what we really want and create a life of richness, purpose and wellness.


Energy alignment sessions

Mindfulness for Mental Health

(online or in-person)


I offer one-on-one Mindfulness sessions for those suffering from mental illness, those who feel stuck, are repeating self-sabotage patterns or are finding it challenging to function in daily life. I share tools that help clients to view life through a new lens, feeling clearer, more centered and connected.

These practices help the individual to become more self aware and shift out of old limiting beliefs or thought patterns resulting in enhanced wellness.


Sessions are tailored to suit the individual's needs.


I also specialise in soul retrieval.

Many people suffering with mental illness quite often have spirit attachment.

Once attached entities are removed, one can reside back in their whole state again. 


These sessions are intuitively guided.



Private Coaching

(online or in-person)


Together we work on what really matters. Moving through obstacles, roadblocks, and limiting beliefs.

Mapping out the steps for forward navigation.


I work closely with you through this process guiding, supporting, encouraging, and cheering for you every step of the way as you move from resistance to flow, from fear to, fearlessness on your journey.



(available online or in person)


I offer mentoring services where I am available 24/7 via WhatsApp to help guide you through your journey. Once you start to embark on this process of energetic purification, there will come many lessons, tests and turns where you may need guidance to help you navigate life's obstacles. I have been through what you are going through myself, and the key is to trust in the process and your evolution.

The mentoring service allows me to share with you the tools and wisdom you need to get through what you are going through and ultimately help you stay focused towards your path of self-discovery.


Mentoring is included in the Authentic Living School SOMA packages (which you can read about here). This service can be continued after you have finished your package as a 1, 3, 6, or 12-month service.



Sacred Living Rituals


The art of sacred living encompasses various rituals that help you incorporate divinity into your everyday life. This service will teach you the intention behind the rituals, allowing you to understand their why and connect more deeply with yourself.  I take an intuitive approach, aimed at identifying what will serve you best during this period. You'll receive a personalised set of sacred living rituals to seamlessly integrate into your daily routine, enabling you to reconnect with your true essence through the wisdom of ancient traditions.

1:1 Coaching

Natavia will hold sacred space and work closely with you looking at the most important areas of life to create ultimate fulfillment in the 3D.

Career, Purpose, Personal growth, Financial, Family, Friends, Community, Recreation, Relationships and Health/Wellbeing.

Also preparing, guiding and aligning those ready in to step into 4D and 5D.

Natavia supports you on your rewarding journey, clearing all that no longer serves you so you can live your soul's purpose and the heart can lead the way. In this space you can create your limitless, dream life, living as your best self.

Natavia walks with you every step of the way as you grow & develop on the magical journey of transformation and transcendence.


1:1 Sessions $250 X3 $699

Mindfulness & Breath-Work 

Natavia offers one on one or group sessions. Group sessions are very productive in the workplace, corporate organisations or in the school.

Powerful rewards participants receive are improved concentration, wiser decision making, enhanced creativity and ability to think outside the box, increased self esteem, less stress and anxiety,  instead feeling more peaceful.

Mindfulness helps us to be better leaders and team players having stronger and more meaningful personal and professional relationships, healthier immune systems, resilience, self awareness,  sharpened focus, improved memory, increased attention span, emotional maturity and feeling happier and more inner fulfillment.


Meditation is a life changer, it impacts our lives in so many wonderful ways.


1:1 Meditation session $111.

6 week Business Packages 

  @ $999 1 hour week ​

Holistic Healing

Everything and Everyone is Connected, Infinitive. We are energetic beings having a physical experience. We were all created with an internal healing system. Once we understand and learn this, I truly believe with determination, an open heart, faith, commitment to change and loyalty to given practices, health and wellbeing can be restored and sustained

Holistic healing is going within, scanning, understanding magnified areas and stripping these burdens so we can return to wholeness, shifting these out of our fields. 

Humans are powerful and can achieve anything when  determined, focused with aligning tools at our disposal

Natavia offers one on one intuitive.



Energy alignment sessions

1:1 $350 X3 $999


Environmental  Workshops

We all have a responsibility in today’s modern world to leave it in better condition than as we inherited it. By each one of us being accountable for our part in environmental sustainability we enjoy a reciprocal energetic healing effect in our lives as everything is connected. At work it includes incorporating environmental sustainability principles where as business and individuals we can have a positive impact by reducing waste, improving production efficiencies, managing purchasing choices, staffing decisions, operational streamlining and capital investment reviews. Training available in triple bottom line accounting where there is economic, social and environmental benefits to business which are all intrinsically linked to each other in a holistic fashion. Understanding the connection between nature and humanity is insightful for a workforce when genuinely practiced as part of a company program delivering improved staff retention and loyalty thereby reducing long term costs in a world where there is an ever increased opportunity for staff to easily make change.

2 day Packages $1999

  Space Clearings

All that happens in our space leaves behind an energetic imprint. Sadness, death, negative emotions, unbalanced behaviour/energies

disease, anger, fear and trauma. All these have an affect on us, quite often we aren't even aware of  it.

Natavia specialises in clearing the history of businesses, land and homes so the old energy is liberated and these energies cannot affect a human’s or animals energetic field.

There are many signs this is needed, heavy dull energy fills the space, children have nightmares, person may feel stuck (not progressing)  spaces may feel dark, cold, sad, scary and you may see spirits or shapes out of the corner of your eyes. 

You may hear noises or activity in the space even though there is no one their, you may suffer depression, health issues, things may always appear to not go smoothly, one may have negative mindset, relationship issues or just feel uneasy for no reason.

Spaces that quite often need clearing are schools, homes, churches, sheds and land that holds a history. After a clearing the area feels light and brighter and quite often issues in physical are gone immediately 


Cost is starting from $150 

Addiction Recovery

Natavia holds sacred space and works closely & compassionately with clients challenged by addiction, sharing  powerful tools that clients can actively use in daily life. Natavia finds many individuals transition into successful clean living. A very rewarding journey for client and coach,


Natavia loves celebrating every step forward with her clients as they create their new reality and supports them with unconditional love while being available on call throughout this process


1:1 $250 session X3 $699


Natavia calls upon her inner child to guide these classes making them interactive, creative and fun. Each class is unique, also modelled around conscious living in our modern world. 

Classes may include affirmations, awareness of our feelings and thoughts, being present, creating, balance, being more positive, stretching, nature walks, breath-work, dance, crafting, dream maps, singing & various other creative hands on activities.

Natavia guides various age groups.  Teenagers, 10 -13 year olds and  5-10 year old, also now offering school packages and 1:1 private sessions.

Children and teens find private sessions an opportunity to embrace life’s challenges with an attitude for finding healthy solutions.


Term Package $799

Corporate Workshops

Natavia works with groups 5-15. Natavia Tailors workshops to suit business needs.

All is modeled around conscious living packages

Can be delivered over 6 weeks or 2 days Intensive


Topics Include:


Power of Intention









“ To live consciously, we must be present in all we do."


Group Package 3,999

Mindfulness for
Mental Health

Natavia offers one on one Mindfulness sessions for those suffering with Mental Illness, those who feel stuck, are repeating self sabotage cycles or are finding it challenging to function in daily life .

She tailors these sessions to suit Individuals needs sharing tools that help clients to view life through a new lense, feeling clearer and more connected so one can shift out of old limiting beliefs or thought patterns.

Natavia also specialises in Soul Retrieval. 

These sessions are intuitively guided.


1:1 sessions $199 or X3 $550


Prison Programs

"Empowering Warriors from within"


2 day workshops

6 week Programs available

Subjects Include:














Package $2,999

"When you take action, despite your fear, you diminish its power and amplify your own."

I just wanted to drop you a line to thank you so very much for your amazing wisdom and guidance as I am traveling on this new path. Your insights have been so perfectly timed and your constant support has meant the world to me as I try and understand my true soul journey. Your warmth and understanding have made it possible for me to reveal some of my deepest fears and concerns, I have total faith and trust in you. Thank you for being a shining light right when I needed one!

Patsy Bingham

Natavia has been a great mentor for me and has deeply helped me on my path to oneness. She has given me the tools to take accountability for my own life and live in my authentic truth. The act of teaching and inspiring me to do the work myself rather than simply doing it for me has been the biggest blessing and empowerment. She also kept me accountable for my work, which was necessary. Natavia has helped shape who I am today, and I know that I will never be the person I once was (in the best way). Her healing sessions are so powerful and something I would look forward to each time, and her coaching was the voice of reason and wisdom that helped me to make choices for my highest soul self. I have a deep respect for Natavia as she lives her truth (walks the talk) and I am forever grateful for our time together. I can't wait to see what life has in store for me now that I have committed to living my authentic truth and soul purpose - there is truly no turning back or deviating from my path, and I am so excited about it. 

Daphne Hendrick

Thank you for all your support and encouragement.

You have helped me to believe in myself in times where I was trying to find myself and my purpose on the planet. I am so grateful for your guidance I have now been able to change my mindset and I am a stronger woman.

Thank you Natavia

Natalia Lucas

Transfomation Retreats
Yoga Retreat
Rock Maze
All retreats take place on the sacred island of Bali and are alcohol and drug free.
Family Connection

If you want to strengthen your family connection and understand each other on a deeper level,  then this retreat will serve your tribe well. 
This is a time to unite, appreciate and honour each other and yourself away from the daily demands of today's society.
Families get to connect and reflect on family values, function, direction and purpose.
We look at how we become closer, and more empowered individually and as a whole.
On this special journey together you will have options to learn the art and power of practices and rituals, how they work for us and our health and wellbeing in daily life.
There will also be options for those wanting to delve deeper and do healing and ancestral clearing work.
Families learn how to become present, and aware and live in a higher conscious state connected to their authenticity and one another. This is a magical journey for the whole family.

What to expect:

7 days of exploration, discovery, adventure, challenges, excursions, daily meditation practices, rituals, bush walking, storytelling and culture.



Sacred Union

This retreat is by invitation only. Guests must have been working with Natavia for some time and be ready for this intense journey on the sacred island of Bali. 


A powerful 2-week journey, for those who are ready to embrace all they are as multidimensional beings.

You will spend full and half days during the retreat visiting many enchanted areas of the Island

(non-commercial). Natavia works with local Maharishi and Priestesses who have been gifted with sacred knowledge that has been passed down through generations.

By experiencing these activations on sacred sites you will transform yourself to the next level and integrate the higher frequencies of each site's alignment.

You will activate your soul codes and begin to unfold your purpose.

Individual's alignment is dependent on the soul and self development stage.

I will be there guiding and supporting people through all processes.

Following the retreat, you will have the tools to sustain and call all you wish into your life at any given time.

I have witnessed many incredible changes in individuals and families, my husband, daughter and myself included.


What to expect:

10 to 14 days of meditation, excursions, spiritual teachings, evening sharing reflections, cooking class, plant medicine awareness.

"Your outside world is simply a reflection of your inside world.
Transform your energy to transform your reality."
Are you ready, beloved?

Please reach out to Natavia to enquire about embarking on this transformational journey, and how she can help you achieve your desired state of being. 

Contact Me

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