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Image by Đằng Nguyễn

" To witness another's transformation is the greatest honor"

- Natavia Maria


If you have worked with me and you feel called to write a few words, please email them to me at

I deeply appreciate all testimonials from my clients.

In devotion to the divine, with love and light.


I just want to thank you from my heart, for your kindness, your knowledge, your mentorship, to assist me in being the best soul that I can. When I came to you, I felt overwhelmed with life, a mess whereby life’s circumstances and trauma made ‘being’ unsustainable.  When I came to you I had to ‘unpack’ 44 years worth or internal torment. It was difficult (well, more emotionally painful) unpacking, like hiking uphill. But I am just so, so grateful for your guidance during this timeframe. I remember seeing the peaceful state that you ascertain and I remember being envious of that!  I just wanted to feel peace. After putting in the work (and I mean I worked! Daily for months), I can finally (one and a half years later) say that it was one of the most profound experiences of personal growth that I have endured/experienced. I finally feel absolute peace and devine love.  I have finally been able to conquer meditation. I can finally start living and enjoying. Thank you from the bottom of my heart xxx


I have been working with Natavia for 3 months and the results have been remarkable.
Natavia has opened up a far higher level of myself with her guidance, coaching and spirituality
through her tools and beliefs.
Her unwavering support and nurturing through this journey is truly a special gift with endless
possibilities still unfolding as I become a much better version of myself.



I was called to walk the path of Balinese ancient transformation through activations an offering organized

through Natavia, after you are aligned to embrace this journey from a safe space in The Island of the Gods. Wow! it is such a Sacred Island.

I was guided through this journey with a beautiful team of temple keepers and healers that Natavia works with, what an honour to receive these alignments, activations and practices that have been handed down by High Priests and Priestesses for milenia.

Words cannot express the profound senses, visions, feelings that my body, mind and spirit went through while connecting to such a mystical ancient tradition. 

This is truly life changing, If you are considering this retreat experience I hope you take the leap and follow this unique path that not many would ever have the opportunity to be able to experience. 

After the profound activation in Bali I continued my journey with Natavia, embracing the example I want to become to my daughter through her offering "The  Holistic Parenting workshop"

This not only embraced new insight and perspectives as a parent but empowered me as a woman to embrace a new me, a softer, lighter me with a deeper connection to myself and my daughter. It  ignited  a joy in me and a motivation to  deepen my bond with my daughter and made the changes I saw she needed for her to blossom in synch with nature. It's lovely to feel I have built on trust, connection a true honour to have this loving little girl in my life.

Thank you Natavia for sharing such profound teachings and tools. I feel like a much more aligned human being and deeper connected with mother nature.


My mother died last year and I was unable to move on with my life, I had been suffering intense grief and depression. After my first intuitive session with Natavia going through aspects of my life, her amazing wisdom helped me to unlock areas of my life that were stuck, detaching me. I have now embarked on a new journey. I feel happy again and have a new positive outlook on life, my family,  friends, and my future. 


Natavia came into my life when I really needed her.

I knew she was a special woman as she had a high vibration and was extremely positive. I was drawn to her energy.  Her sessions are life-changing. All the lessons I have learned and guidance I have been shown will always be a part of my life now. Natavia has taught me to live with much love and compassion.

I am forever grateful for our sessions Natavia.


Natavia is a shining living example of the work she does which is what drew me to seek

out her guidance in finding my own soul mission. Natavia’s work is potent and powerful. Natavia

herself is a beacon of love, strength and support.


Natavia has helped me enormously in clearing out old blockages, I am now able to connect and live in my higher self.

I would highly recommend Natavia to anyone on a spiritual healing journey who is considering working with her.

For myself, it has sped up my healing process.

Her kind and guiding energy was a wonderful support.


Natavia has a beautiful warm presence. Both children and adults are drawn to her accepting and peaceful nature. My children have enjoyed all her creative mindfulness experiences and I have noticed a positive difference in their natures, where they have come to know who they are! Thank You Natavia


Thank you for all your support and encouragement.

You have helped me to believe in myself in times when I was trying to find myself and my purpose on the planet. I am so grateful for your guidance I have now been able to change my mindset and I am a stronger woman.

Thank you Natavia


When I met Natavia, My daughter was having trouble settling into a new environment and school and was showing signs of intense anxiety with severe tummy pain. After discussing my challenges and concerns, I knew that Natavia’s services were just what we needed. Her gentle, calm, and reassuring approach was so welcoming.  Through her healing session she gave my daughter the tools and courage to face her anxiety and fears. 

After one session my daughter was no longer complaining of tummy pains and immediately showed signs of being back to her happy, beautiful self. 

I am writing this one year on. I am so grateful.

Thank you Natavia. You're amazing. 


The guidance I have received from working with Natavia has transformed my life.

I feel calmer and more connected to myself and my family, thank you for making me a better and happier person.



Natavia I just wanted to thank you for your mindfulness classes with my granddaughter Sheena. She was really struggling and your classes have been so good for her. You have made such a difference in Sheena’s life.

I wanted to share something special that happened on the weekend. She was helping her little brother go to sleep, first by singing and then by chanting OM! She must have done 30 very long OM's beautifully.

He fell asleep. It was a lovely moment! What you are doing for children is so very important. 

Will you have more classes in the New Year and if so can I please pay upfront for fees for next term.



I was magnetically drawn to Natavia because of her healing abilities and spiritual ways.Natavia's teachings have brought so much awareness and insight into my life, and how I look at life.Natavia has provided me with many powerful tools to help me rise into my power and begin to live my life to the fullest, knowing I am capable of so much.However, before we got to that stage, she helped me to heal and empower.The hardness of life can affect us in many ways, whether it's a past experience or a present problem. We create negative coping mechanisms to get by and most of the time we don’t even realise how much our body and soul is crying out. Natavia’s gifts helped me to break a cycle and release.I am very grateful for her wisdom, healing, and guidance, which has helped me to choose a life that will be lived to the fullest.


I just wanted to drop you a line to thank you so very much for your amazing wisdom and guidance as I am travelling on this new path. Your insights have been so perfectly timed and your constant support has meant the world to me as I try and understand my true soul journey. Your warmth and understanding have made it possible for me to reveal some of my deepest fears and concerns, I have total faith and trust in you. Thank you for being a shining light right when I needed one!


Natavia has supported me and given me some powerful guidance to help progress forward developing myself, my health, wealth, and relationships.

I was going through a significant and life-changing event and needed holistic direction.

Natavia gave that to me in spades. Usually, I'm someone quite aware, planned, and focused. So it was great to get high calibre support when I was feeling lost. I definitely recommend engaging in Natavia’s sessions, she can work on any of the key areas of life to a high degree to help you move forward

Thank you Natavia


I feel very blessed and privileged that I was guided to Natavia for awakening and direction.

Natavia understood me straight away. I felt safe, secure, cared for, good about opening right up and ready to soak up her incredibly High Vibration, Energy, Healing and Intuition. Her ability to go deep into soul bought so much out, allowing me to celebrate my strengths and heal my wounds. I cherish our sessions, they are transformational. I have learnt to live in the present.  I have become a more awakened man, the master of my own destiny.

Natavia has guided and given me the tool to step away from my ego and into my soul. This has taught me to allow my heart to answer and created incredible improvements in all my relationships.  I am truly grateful for Natavia sharing her incredible gifts, everything she is doing for mankind and the difference she is making to transform our world into a better place. I highly recommend Natavia to all men, woman, partners, children and families alike. 


I have worked with Natavia through my own personal growth journey as well as professionally.

Natavia is a beautiful person and an honest straight-talker. As a personal coach, I found her to be extremely insightful and eerily accurate.

I am a naturally wary and private individual and she managed to get through to me and provide one on one guidance that has lead to many amazing opportunities. Her genuine dedication to you as an individual is second to none. The tools she has given me continue to help me on a daily basis to cope with the stresses of everyday life and work. I am a much stronger person and decision-maker now. 

In a professional capacity, Natavia was able to join me and the Government organisation, Ministry of  Internal affairs on outer island journey with a very small population and strong traditional values to address mental health issues and a recurring incidence of suicide. She quickly won over the local's hearts and was able to use her skills to help the people and the island releasing its blocked potential with her energy work gifts. Other projects include the Irinaki project which showcased awesome motivational speakers, raising funds for women in domestic violence, and also a 6-week Mindfulness Program which Natavia taught to the staff of Internal affairs.  This deep, unconventional, and amazing woman will touch your heart and help you to touch the hearts of many others for the highest good of all.

Thankyou Natavia. 


When I started working with Natavia I was a desperate mess. I knew that there was more for me, but I just didn't know how to get to it. I knew I was destined for more than the mouse-wheel I was currently trapped on, but I didn't know where to find the direction I needed. In our initial sessions I couldn't physically breathe properly, there was so much pain & trauma held in my chest... Natavia helped me to release this, and she showed me that all the answers, all the direction, all the fulfilment that I sought, was actually inside me all along. She supported me in my most vulnerable moments and celebrated every single one of my little wins. She helped me to see the potential in myself that she saw. She challenged me to do better for myself and my family. She kept me accountable and disciplined. She supported me to be the very best mother I could be. I am so grateful to God for bringing me this divine human, and I am so grateful to Natavia for bringing me home to myself.


Natavia has been a great mentor for me and has deeply helped me on my path to oneness. She has given me the tools to take accountability for my own life and live in my authentic truth. The act of teaching and inspiring me to do the work myself rather than simply doing it for me has been the biggest blessing and empowerment. She also kept me accountable for my work, which was necessary. Natavia has helped shape who I am today, and I know that I will never be the person I once was (in the best way). Her healing sessions are so powerful and something I would look forward to each time, and her coaching was the voice of reason and wisdom that helped me to make choices for my highest soul self. I have a deep respect for Natavia as she lives her truth (walks the talk) and I am forever grateful for our time together. I can't wait to see what life has in store for me now that I have committed to living my authentic truth and soul purpose - there is truly no turning back or deviating from my path, and I am so excited about it. 


With love xx


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