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People on a Deck
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A Global Platform for Projects with Purpose


The Purpose Project endeavours to make a change where change is needed. Together, we will work towards a lighter, brighter, more loving future for all beings.


Take a look at some of our current and past projects here:


Irinaki sold out flyer_edited.jpg

The Bumi Sehat Foundation


Irinaki Project

Suicide Prevention Project

Image by Marco Chilese

Uluru Grid Work

Eco-Cycle Tours

Prison Project

If you feel the call to Co-Create with us and have a heart-aligned project you wish to bring to life, email us today:

Bumi Sehat Fondation

Bumi Sehat Foundation


A portion of all my funds go to the Bumi Sehat Foundation. This is a foundation that is very close to my heart as I deeply respect the Balinese way of living, people and culture.​


The Bumi Sehat Foundation is a non-for-profit organisation that has 3 community centres throughout Indonesia. They offer the mothers essential care such as pre & post-natal care, holistic medicine, educating them how to breastfeed, health services, nutritional education, yoga and natural birthing facilities.


As a mother myself, I feel passionate about the purpose of this foundation as it is such a sacred time in a woman's life and a safe birth is a basic human right everyone deserves. 


A small donation can go such a long way. If you feel called to help change the lives of so many in need mothers, you can do so here

Irinaki Project

The Irinaki Project

Project Irinaki (2018) was a successful Fundraiser for women and children living in or as survivors of domestic violence.​

A cause I have always been very passionate about.


Having the instrumental involvement of The Cook Islands Government Director at Ministry of Internal affairs, Anne Herman on board, we co-created a sell-out event Irinaki, which translates as ‘Trust’ in Cook Islands Maori.


I arranged two international public speakers Regan Hillyer and Juan Pablo Barahona, as well as 'Miss Cook Islands' at the time, Alanna Smith. They spoke on the important issues of courage, abundance and balance, key areas we need to embrace in order to become the best version of ourselves. This was a fabulous event delivered from the speaker's highest selves, gifting the audience with mindfulness tools, a raised awareness, and empowerment - as individuals and as a collective.


The beautiful Cook Islands and the amazing community of Rarotonga welcomed these motivational speakers with open hearts and gratitude to our wise speaker's.  


Thank you, Rarotonga.


Suicide Prevention Project

The Purpose Project collaborated with the Cook Islands Government, the Ministry of Internal Affairs on a Suicide Prevention workshop. Workshops that took place on Rarotonga and on outer Island Atiu. 

Atiu at the time with the highest rate of youth suicide in the Cook Islands.


​Natavia’s role representing The Purpose Project was to educate, share empowerment tools on Wellness, Mindfulness and the importance of community connection.


Natavia was also guided to work with the land energetically on both of the Islands by clearing, activating and resetting energies, a process pre-requisite for healthy local indigenous community & culture.


 "This was a great project to be a part of. I was welcomed and treated as a local wherever I went. I felt very honoured to be invited by the Ministry of Internal affairs team as the only non-Cook Islander.

We were all working for a cause that was aligned with our heart, which created a very powerful energy. I hold all of my team in the highest respect. I am so grateful for this amazing opportunity" - Natavia

Suicide Prevention Project

Uluru Grid Work


I was called to Uluru, Kata Tjuta to play my role in January 2020.

A global event where many gathered for a heart aligned purpose, Earth Healing, Transformation and Rebirth.

All supporting, anchoring, grounding and embodying these new energies to spread globally beginning at the heart of Australia then activating across the world's grid lines.
Now is a powerful time in history, we are living in times of expansion and ascension, humanity is being supported in the highest frequency of love so it is now with ease we can liberate all of the past imprints and shift into new the energies as a collective.



THE CEREMONY In January 2020, a massive planetary Energy Activation occurred on planet Earth at the time of the Saturn / Pluto conjunction. At this time, the planetary Solar Plexus Chakra located at Uluru (formerly Ayers Rock) and Kata Tjuta in Central Australia,was fully activated. This then flowed out through the planet. Aboriginal lore tells of a ritual back in the Dreamtime that was interrupted and never completed. This ritual was meant to fulfil the Great Plan of the Earth Spirit. Once the ritual is consummated, ‘perfection will spread throughout the world’. In other words, this ritual will open the way from 4th to 5th World Consciousness.’ This event is symbolised by a Great Pole, or Cosmic Umbilical Cord, which unites Earth with the Sun. It is predicted that this Cord will begin to function in 2020 AD, at the time of the Saturn / Pluto conjunction. Together, Uluru and Kata Tjuta form the world Solar Plexus Chakra. This is the primary Chakra for the maintenance of global health and vitality of the planet and all living things. If things are not right here, then the whole world system suffers. It is NOW time for this to be healed. The healing began in October 2019, when a total ban on climbing the Highly Sacred site of Uluru was declared. According to Robert Coon, author of ;The Rainbow Serpent and the Holy Grail; this powerful activation will also involve a blast of Divine Light and Energy through the songlines (ley lines) of the planet, connecting all of Earth’s main Chakras together, and most especially one of the main Energy Arteries/songlines referred to by the Aboriginal people as The Rainbow Serpent (representing Divine Feminine Energy to many). This line starts at Uluru (solar plexus) and travels through Bali (world purification centre), to Glastonbury (heart and third eye chakras), to Lake Titicaca (sacral chakra) and then back around and through to Uluru. The planetary event in January 2020 was actually a rare quadruple conjunction involving Saturn, Pluto, Mercury and the Sun. The previously interrupted ceremony will culminate in the reactivation of the Solar Umbilical Cord of Planet Earth with the Sun, and on deeper levels with the Great Central Sun. This, in turn, will assist in the creation of an Archetypical communication between the Sun and Earth, to help us to embrace a ‘Golden Age more fully’.​ "Let the Sun Shine on Uluru and Kata Tjuta, Let the Pathway of the Rainbow Serpent Be Clear, So that Greater Health and Vitality may circulate throughout the world to bless all beings."​ A heart aligned project, where people from all over the globe followed their inner guidance gathering to the desert for the same Purpose. Grid workers supporting Mother Earth through her great healing/transformation/Realignment

Uluru Grid Word

Eco-Cycle Tours

A heart aligned project turned business launched in 2013 in the Cook Islands by husband and wife team David Anthony & Natavia Maria.


Working with the land, local people, supporting & empowering culture.

Growing each year with many accolades leading to taking Top Honours with the business winning the coveted Cook Islands Air New Zealand Ecotourism award 2018, David Anthony & Natavia Maria co-creators of Storytellers, passed this successful project/business onto new ownership in early 2019.​


Ecotourism & heart aligned businesses are about uniting people, respecting and sharing local traditions with others, conservation, empowering communities, and engaging in sustainable opportunities.​


To truly implement and participate in ecotourism activities the principles of Ecotourism should be followed:​

•    Minimise impact.

•    Build environmental and cultural awareness and respect.

•    Provide positive experiences for both visitors and hosts.

•    Provide direct financial benefits for conservation and community.

•    Provide financial benefits and empowerment for local people.

•    Raise sensitivity to host countries' political, environmental, and social climate.​


Storytellers honours the principles of ecotourism respecting and working with local landowners.


A genuine Eco-Tourism operation, Storytellers channels profits back into the community for development projects. The Storytellers Project supports local culture, history, environment, storytelling and how to use the available natural plant medicine with those visiting the Cook Islands.

Eco Cycle Tours
Prison Project

Prison Project

When the Minister of Corrections in The Cook Islands George Maggie confirmed I was to teach Mindfulness and Meditation to the boys in prison, I was excited yet very much outside my comfort zone. I reminded myself of the words  my wise Balinese Mentor always said:

"If you don't regularly move from your comfort zone, you do not grow."

I visited the prison weekly, sharing various life changing tools and practices with participants. Teaching males ranging from ages 17-70 who trusted and respected what and how I was able to share with them. I formed some very special bonds.


The feedback via the Ministry which I received was extraordinary, with improvements including reduced anger, more inner peace, improved sleep, better concentration, reduced pain and discomfort in the body, more compassion and understanding for themselves, their loved ones, their inmates. Many of these teachings extended into questions on life, emotions and feelings.


In time, I could see & understand that most of these men had disconnected from who they were, their culture, and their essence, all from a very early age. They had no sense of belonging. They had put up strong solid walls, protecting themselves from getting hurt, resulting in destructive behaviours and desensitised feelings.
Inside the prison I observed more of a sadness than anger.

I loved working with these men and following their progress. It was very rewarding to see an improved quality of life for those who harnessed and utilised the tools I had shared. ​​​


"I see the light in all of these men. I love teaching, guiding and witnessing them reconnecting to their authenticity after the practices. People often ask if it scares me to go up to the prison. My reply is, I see their souls. I don’t see what they’ve done. They’re all beautiful. Sure they have made mistakes however they need attention, compassion, love and positive reinforcement so they can shift back into their light. Mindfulness & Meditation is about becoming more aware, conscious and being present. This is what they need. When we still the mind we can connect to our essence. This is where we get to know ourselves and our purpose on the planet.” 

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