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Image by Danilo Batista
Sacred. Omnipotent. Multidimensional. Awakening.
SOMA Formula

Do you feel like something is missing from your life? 
Do you keep facing the same
challenges on your path?

Do you feel disconnected to yourself and those around you?

Are you searching for your purpose in life?

If you answered 'yes' to the above questions, then the SOMA formula package is for you.


The SOMA formula is a powerful tool for those who are ready to:

1. HEAL their traumas

2. PURIFY their vessel

3. TRANSFORM their reality

4. ASCEND into higher states of consciousness

Are you ready, beloved?

"The SOMA Formula is your key 
to unlocking your full potential."

What is the SOMA Formula?

Your ultimate reprogramming method.

In the modern world, understanding the SOMA formula can be likened to understanding a computer system.

Humans, much like computers, often operate using outdated files, beliefs, and programs that aren't truly our own. These accumulated layers slow us down, distorting our clarity and obstructing heartfelt progress.

These files build up over time—from past lives to our upbringing, experiences, and even ancestral influences. They act as limitations, hindering our growth and preventing us from living our fullest potential.

Purification demands a deep dive, pushing beyond comfort zones to heal past wounds. As a lightworker, I guide individuals through this purification journey, drawing upon ancient indigenous methods.

This journey commences with a soul healing/energy activation followed by visits to three sanctified sites specially activated for SOMA alignment. Concurrently, a Homeopathic diagnosis tailors remedies to your unique nature and conditions.

Collaborating closely with a skilled Balinese partner/practitioner, we blend intuition and textbook precision in Homeopathy. This fusion of modalities accelerates the healing and transformative process, serving as a powerful catalyst for change.

STEP 1: Heal

The first step on this transformational journey begins with healing your stored trauma. This process will continue to unfold over time, but it begins by identifying your core traumas. This is an essential step in becoming your most authentic self as your experiences wield a significant influence over your psyche, shaping your subconscious responses that often stem from your ego self.

Together, we'll navigate and nurture the wounds that have accrued across your lifetimes and timelines, facilitating their release and mending. This profound healing enables you to transcend these wounds, allowing you to step into your highest potential timeline.

STEP 2: Purify

To become free of this conditioning and live in pure energies we need to erase the files. This is an effective way at liberating you from all that no longer serves you.

To purify you have to go deep, move far beyond your comfort zone and heal the wounds of your past.

As a light-worker, I take you through the process of purification taking you to sacred sites, using ancient Indigenous methods and sharing tools that support you through your process. I use a combination of modalities for the purification process to capture a holistic approach to your system.


STEP 3: Transform

Once purified, transformation naturally follows. We no longer operate from distorted and unbalanced energy. (fear, reactive behaviours, saddness, anger, suffering)Instead we connect to our authentic energy.We can reside in our essence feeling empowered, light and free, things begin to become clear and align. Synchronicities begin to appear and you will receive signs that you are following your highest path. Life will begin to flow. Your heart-aligned mission will unfold organically. ​I am here to guide and empower you on this journey of transformation.


STEP 4: Ascend

In the ascension process, you will begin to feel truly free as you move beyond all of your limiting beliefs. You will experience detachment in a way that allows your body to release all sickness, disease and disorders from outdated programs. As you begin to manifest all that you desire, you will come to realise your power and purpose here. Suddenly, your soul mission will become very clear to you and naturally unfold as you live from your heart space. This will allow you to embrace the role you were born here to fulfil and act in line with the highest good of yourself and others. Earth will be the playground that it was designed to be as you live a boundless and abundant life with a childlike perspective. This is not rocket science, this is metaphysics and the nature of our universe - energy. You are a precious child of the universe living out the law of attraction as a conduit of light. And my, how you shine. 


"After putting in the work (and I mean I worked! Daily for months), I can finally (one and a half years later) say that it was one of the most profound experiences of personal growth that I have endured/experienced."



  • 3 Coaching Sessions

  • 2 Energy Alignments

  • Holistic Assessment 

  • SOMA Formula Day Excursion

  • Meditation & Breathwork

This package is perfect for people who want an introduction into their healing journey. 


  • 4 Coaching Sessions

  • 3 Energy Alignments

  • Holistic Assessment 

  • SOMA Formula Day Excursion

  • SOMA Formula Workbook

  • Meditation & Breathwork

This package is perfect for people who are fully committed to their transformational journey and ready to go all in. 

Sacred Self

  • 6 Coaching Sessions

  • 4 Energy Alignments

  • Holistic Assessment 

  • SOMA Formula Day Excursion

  • SOMA Formula Workbook

  • Meditation & Breathwork

This package is perfect for families who need their children included in the package.

All packages include ongoing support with Natavia, so that you always have the support you need on your journey. 

The Holistic Assessment is inclusive of:

  1. Homeopathic recommendation - so that your body can integrate the energetic changes it is going through and release old programming easily. 

  2. Soul map - I use ancient methodology, similar to astrology, to see your soul codes. This will help you better identify your strengths and weaknesses so that understand your soul mission and the challenges that you came to overcome. 


Please contact Natavia directly for more information about these packages.

Ph: 0466 558 894

Image by Danilo Batista

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